How to Setup a Group Cruise

I have attempted to simplify the many steps of Group Cruise planning into bite size chunks. If you use this, or if you would like to add to my list, please send me a comment below! I would love to hear from you! Until then, Happy Cruising!


Step 1– Perform a self-check. Ask yourself- Do you really want to enter into the Twilight Zone of vacation planning by organizing a cruise for a group of people whose only job could be to complain, be indecisive, and criticize your efforts????  Hmmmmmm

Well, if you made it past the self-check with a “yes”, then we can all agree that you are an extremely brave soul who doesn’t mind a little torture. We can also surmise that you know that no pain = no gain, and you are willing to take one for the team if it means that you will be sitting, sipping, and sunning on the lido deck pretty soon with your posse.

In either case, you’ve come to the right place! I will try to make this a much more pleasant and bearable experience for you than it was for me! Just kidding, it really is a rewarding, fun experience if you organize,  have a plan, and stick to it!

So let’s get started shall we?

Step 2– Stop what you are doing, get in your car, go to your local store and stock up on wine. You are gonna need it!! If you don’t drink wine, seriously consider it. It will be worth your while.

Step 3– Call your core crew. We all have those friends/family members that we can count on to help with these types of planning and organizing tasks. They usually have LOADS of free time on their hands that they spend sending you self help pins that they found on Pinterest. Even though you hate to admit it, suck it up buttercup,  you need them. They will be your very valuable planning partners. It may be necessary to set a time for a face to face meeting or a conference call. Either way, you gotta get with your squad to get started, because you can’t do this alone. Well you could, but you’ll be crazy as a loon by the time the vacation rolls around. So call people. Now. And don’t forget you’ve got wine!

Assign a scribe to take notes, so that you don’t forget anything. Here are some suggestions of topics to cover at your first planning session:

  1. Who- Who’s included in this trip? Is it a special occasion? Surprise?
  2. What- What ships are on your bucket list?
  3. When- Are there time constraints? Is school/work a factor?
  4. Where- Ummm self-explanatory, but ok where would you all like to go? Also what port is most convenient for your squad to depart?
  5. How-Will everyone pay individually? Will they be able to make payments or are you past final payments? Another How is-How many cabins will you need?

Once you’ve answered those questions together, you should have a rough idea of what your trip will entail. Do some research online to see what cruises are available to further narrow down your choices.

Step 4– Take a sip of your wine and a deep breath, then setup a meeting/conference call with the rest of the family/group. Do your homework before this meeting, because you need to present the options available for your trip. Give them 3 or 4 options to choose from preferably 6 months to 1 year out so that everyone has ample time to plan. Then, narrow it down to 1-2 final choices if possible. Discuss budget and any fees that are involved, and get a headcount.

Step 5-Pat yourself on the back for making it this far! You must be living right because most people do not make it to this stage! Alright, Happy Dance time is over,  get back to work. Now that you all have agreed on the trip,  and you have a rough idea of the number of people, it’s time to engage your Travel Agent. If a member of your group is a Travel Agent, that’s even better. Using a member of the group cuts down on the questions and it’s easier to stay in touch.  If not, ask around. There are lots of good Travel Agents out there.  There are also some not so good ones out there as well, so really ask around, and try to find one who specializes in groups. Provide as many details to them as possible about your trip. You also want to let the Travel Agent know what you wish to accomplish. Let them know if you require a meeting room or event space. The TA will then search to see if your options are available. You are in control here. If you know something won’t work, say it. If unforeseen circumstances or choices arise, you may have to go back to the group for another vote to make sure the plan still works for everyone. Otherwise you may be stuck like Chuck. (If there are any Chucks reading this, sorry nothing personal).

Step 6– Once the cruise is selected, see if the TA can setup a page on their website for your event. That way your guests can go to that page to start the booking process. If not, the TA will provide their preferred method of contact. The TA will be in charge of booking, payments, dinner seating, and possibly airfare, ground transportation, and pre-cruise hotel accommodations. Your only job here is to tell them what you want, then make sure the group knows who to contact and where to go to get everything booked. That’s the beauty of utilizing a Travel Agent.

Step 7– Create a private Facebook page and an email or text group for your trip. This will be the fastest easiest way to communicate with everyone, and keep everyone in the loop. The FB page takes less than 5 minutes to setup. Once it’s setup, post the TA’s link and info along with the trip itinerary to the group. Take a sip of wine because someone will swear they didn’t know about something, or will suddenly become a certified Travel Agent overnight. Instantly. Oh I forgot to mention, you will roll your eyes 👀 too. A lot. Start practicing now, and you will have it down by the time you start planning!

Step 8– Take another sip of your wine, you are halfway there! Communicate with your group often. There will be first time travelers with lots of questions, so here’s where you get to look like a Travel Guru. Post articles, packing lists, and trip advice weekly to keep everyone engaged and informed. Keep a binder with all necessary documents and info so that you will be able to answer questions quickly. I can’t remember a thing for more than a few seconds, so I have to keep everything written down in a centralized location.

Step 9– A few months before the cruise, plan for t-shirts or souvenirs for everyone if this interests the group. Lots of sites will let you customize items that can be ordered individually by each group member. Vote on your favorites too, this helps everyone feel like a part of the group, and involved.  Elect someone to assist you with this. Remember, the more help the better. Everyone can also vote on a pre-cruise hotel, dinner, and activity if time will allow.

Step 10-Time for the itinerary. Either you or your events coordinator will get all of the fun organized. Put it all in writing, create events on your FB page, and send everyone a PDF. Here are some ideas for the itinerary: Welcome aboard meeting, slot pull, cabin crawl, family board/card game, and excursions.

Step 11– Time for another sip of wine. Just because you’re fabulous. Here’s where you get ready for the cruise too! All of this planning for others could have you neglecting the most important member of the group. You! Make sure your payments are paid, and your arrangements are arranged, or you could be waving to everyone from the dock as they sail away without you. Booooooo!!!

Step 12– At about 30 days out, follow up with the TA, check in with the group, send out reminders of acceptable ID, passports, medications, and acceptable/unacceptable items that can be brought onto the cruise ship/airlines. Did you need to order a cake, decorations, or buy a gift? If so, do it.

Step 13– Continue the Countdown! You should be getting closer to the big date so kick up your feet and start making everyone at work jealous that you will be on a fantastic voyage soon, while they work!

Step 14– 1-2 weeks out, wrap up any last minute details. Communicate with the group, the TA, and finalize your plans to meet up with everyone in port or on the ship.  Make a list of everyone’s cabin number so that you can keep in touch on board as well.

Step 15-Bon Voyage!!! Get your glass of wine ready for the Sail Away Party and enjoy the fruits of your labor!!


Don’t forget to drop me a comment when you return from all of that fun, to let me know how everything worked out for you!

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